[Picture belongs to briberry.]
*Don’t think this really exists.
„Childhood is the Kingdom where nobody dies“ Edna St. Vincent Millay
I think I suffer of PPS (= Peter Pan Syndrome). What? You don’t know what that is? Well then, I guess I need to explain it to you:
My disease is the fact that (in this case) a girl or from the society considered as a young woman doesn’t want to be an adult. Well no, that’s not formulated right; it’s more that I don’t want to lose the fun parts of being a child when I’m an adult. I like to be an adult (if that’s what I am) because it has its good and its less good parts and with childhood you can find the same. It’s that I consider myself as a “not yet ready to be an adult” person. I like way too much stuff like fairytales, invent stories, try risky things and leave free way to my unlimited imagination. The fact that I can go nuts for some fictive person, love stars, butterflies and rainbows or need to put a smiley on the end of my sentences don’t make things any better. But still I am lucky because I just suffer from a light form of the Peter Pan Syndrome: I haven’t yet reached the point where I run the streets screaming ‘I do believe in fairies!’, no, basically I switch between being a child and being an adult. I’m still capable of being serious when it’s necessary and think rational about different topics. But most of the time I laugh and smile and am a bit silly here and there; I come up with sometimes very strange but funny ideas and say what’s on my mind, doesn’t matter how weird it is, without thinking it over.
I’ve always been dreaming of being the very first Lost Girl; I even left my window wide open every night, but unfortunately Peter Pan never paid me a visit, for what reason ever. Now I wait for Jasper Hale or Edward Cullen to invade my room, but till now: no sign. (Yes, do call me crazy ;))
If you knew my age (forget it! You never question a Lady about her age ;)) then you probably declare me as mentally disturbed or something like that. Hitherto I never felt appropriate to my age; I always feel younger than I actually am and the good thing about it is that I even do look sometimes (and especially in pictures) like a smiley kid. I hope it stays that way cause when I’m like 40 or so, I’ll still look like 20 or so.
Strangely I have the feeling that I’m not the only one who has PPS…xD